5 Crucial attributes of a good Perth social media manager

Social Media

Attributes of a Social Media Manager

Written by Clayton Smith

Sep 19, 16
Attributes of a Social Media Manager

Your social media manager should be in constant contact with you about all aspects of your social media. Whether that be in the beginning when you are in the planning phase, or throughout the course of the service period, they should be in regular contact via phone, email or carrier pigeon.

“5 Crucial attributes of a good Perth social media manager”

Communication nation

Your social media manager should be in constant contact with you about all aspects of your social media. Whether that be in the beginning when you are in the planning phase, or throughout the course of the service period, they should be in regular contact via phone, email or carrier pigeon. Talk the talk! In the beginning, they should be spending a decent sized meeting learning about your business, two if it can be arranged. This person is here to represent your brand in the digital world, and you need to make sure they have a clear understanding of how your business works and how you want to perceived online. During the service period, you should also be hearing plenty from your social media manager. What posts are performing best? What’s not performing?

Are customers asking questions about product? Hows the advertising budget going? What are our competitors doing? Is the process of answering queries on social media from customers smooth? And thats the just the start! Good reporting will form the basis for a lot of these discussions, and we’ll expand on that a little further down. To make sure you are talking to your social media manager regularly, so everything stays focused and on point!

Goal Posts

A good social media manager’s first priority is to understand your business goals. We need to understand where you want to go so we can put together the strategy that will get you there. This is simple, but crucial. If you are looking to take your business fully online in five years, or you are looking to open another store in a new area of town, your social media manager should be generating strategies to support these goals. If your social media manager doesn't have a clue about where you are headed, it maybe time for a bit of a chat.

The schedule is real

Scheduling and planning ahead of time is really (truely madly deeply) your best friend in digital marketing. You still want to leave room for spontaneous posts, but a framework week to week and month to month will seriously take all the heartache out of the equation. Statements like “why did they post that?” and “we don't have that product in stock at the moment!” are much less likely to occur saving you emergency phone calls to your social media manager to get posts taken down, as well that horrible daily thought “what can we send through to get put up today?”.

Eye for an Eye

Social media and digital marketing as a whole is so focused on images and video now, that you really want to be sure your social media manager has an eye for a good photo or great graphic design. They should have a good idea of what pictures and images of your business and products will work best on social media, so involve them in the process when you are getting some photos done. (Top 9 Social Networks Marketers Should Plan For Heading into 2017) If your social media manager isn't a digital design weapon themselves (my hand is in the air), they should have graphic designers and professional photographers on call that can provide high quality content in needed.

Looking out my back door

So, you and your social media manager have done all the hard work confirming your goals, you’ve got a great plan and strategies and now you are rolling along, building your social media presence. And then……….. you hear nothing for a few weeks……..and a few weeks more. That’s a bad social media manager, for shame! It sounds obvious but you need to be getting reports regularly, monthly is good start. Your social media manager needs to be reviewing, tweaking, and changing you social media strategy as you go, as it will take time to discover what type of content works best for your business.

So there you go, a few tips on what you should be getting from your social media manager. If you need a hand with anything social, click here to get in touch with us here at iST Digital, and have a look at our Social Media Management Services page https://www.istdigital.com.au/social-media to get a better idea of what we can provide for your business. Happy posting folks!

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