Copy Writing
Google Sandbox
Written by Daniel Maddox
May 25, 17The team here at iST Digital wants to tell you all about the Google Sandbox. We will explain what it is and if it does actually exist.
So, what is Google Sandbox you might be asking? Well, The Google Sandbox is an alleged filter that is placed on recently created websites. The result of this is that the site does not receive Google rankings for its most important keywords and phrases. Even if your newly established website has fantastic content, an abundant load of incoming links and you have a strong Google Page Rank, your website is still adversely affected by this Sandbox effect. This Sandbox acts as a probation period for sites, this could be to possibly discourage any spam-like websites from rising quickly, getting banned and repeating the process.
Why Did Google create this Sandbox?
The reason that Google created the Sandbox filtration tool on new websites was to stop spam related sites from adding random and a numerous amount of purchased links, making their websites rank highly for their keywords from the date that they release the website on to the world wide web.
However, not everyone believes that the Google Sandbox exists as a filter from other alleged Google filters. And, not everyone involved with search engine optimisation even agrees that Google uses such a tool as this.
So with the general basic summary of what the Google Sandbox is, here are some frequently asked questions that get asked quite often when we were going through our research:
When did the Google Sandbox first appear?
Website owners and SEO experts began to notice this strange effect in March 2004. Web sites were not ranking well for the first few months that they were life, however, Google Page Ranks, incoming links totals and optimisation were strong.
What type of sites are placed within this Sandbox Effect?
We have discovered that all types of websites can be placed in the Sandbox. However, the effect appears much more frequently for websites that have been recently published that are seeking rankings for highly competitive keyword phrases.
How long do websites stay in the Sandbox?
They can stay within this effect for one to six months.
If I join Google AdWords or Adsense will that prevent the effect on your website?
Joining programs like these will have no effect on your sites duration in the Sandbox. Participation in any Google advertising program will not keep your site out of the Sandbox, or shorten your stay.
What do I do whilst my website is in Sandbox?
While your website is currently in this effect, it is an ideal time to continue to add fresh keyword rich content and new incoming links to your site.
Should I continue to add content to my site while it’s in the Sandbox?
Yes, this is the perfect time to keep adding content. Creating content for your website that is keyword rich content will help statistics improve once out of this effect.
How do I avoid being placed in the Sandbox entirely?
You can avoid being placed in the Sandbox by some degree by purchasing a website and making it live before it is fully ready for prime time. Although it will be hit with low rankings, it will start the clock on its duration of being in this "probation period".
So there you have it, we hope this has helped you understand what the Google Sandbox is. It is up to you whether you believe the effect or not.
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