How to Create Engaging Content

Content Marketing

How to Create Engaging Content

Written by Daniel Maddox

Aug 21, 17
How to Create Engaging Content

Creating content for your business’s website and social media can be quite the challenge. You’ve got to make sure that your audience is captivated enough for them to stick around and be a loyal follower of your company. iST Digital team are here to tell you a few tips and tricks to make some great content.

When you think about the term content, it comes in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes great, sometimes not so great. The best type of content that you can produce needs to be entertaining, informative and inspiring for your viewers. So, how does one go about doing this? Well, the iST Digital team are here to help give you a few words of advice to help you make some great and captivating content for your small business’s website and social medias.

Competition Time!

It is without a doubt that everyone has the desire to win something. Whether the prize is small or large, the thought of winning something makes people excited and wanting to get involved. This is a fantastic way to use your social media and to get your small business out there. Make sure to get your competition to have some rules like they must like, share and follow your account(s) to be entered into the competition, or have them post something using a related hashtag. The choice is yours what rules you want, but make the challenge or competition exciting and something your viewers would want to enter and win.

Visuals are key

A huge number of statistic reports will show that using types of visuals, whether it is images or video content, is a successful way to make an audience attracted to your company. Having visuals on your website and posting pictures and videos on your social medias can help sell, style and promote your brand.

Be on Trend

If you are going to be an online business and keep a fresh, up to date website and use social medias as a helpful partner for your online business, then you have got to keep up with the trends that are relevant to your company. Even better, if you have cutting-edge insights about what is going to be on trend next to keep your audience ahead of the game will expand your exposure and get your audience enthused.

Free Things

Who doesn’t love free things, am I right? This can go along with the competition tip we discussed earlier. Having something that your audience can get their hands on early, or as a bonus gift if they purchase something from your company will go a long way with your customers and audience. Now, these free things can be whatever suits you and your business. Whether it is a book, online book, presentation, video, app, software, clothing. You name it; it can be used as a gift. Just make it suit your company of course.

We hope this has given you an insight into what you can do to create some engaging content for your business’s website or social medias. If you would like to find out how we can help your company design some creative and exciting content for your online platforms, be sure to get in touch with us today on 9443 2221. We would love to go over what you want for your business to make it thrive!

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