How to Promote a Small Business?


How to Promote a Small Business?

Written by Daniel Maddox

Jun 22, 17
How to Promote a Small Business?

IST Digital wants to discuss with you the ways to simply and effectively promote a small business through content strategy, social media marketing and link building.

Having a small online company can sometimes be very difficult for you to promote properly to get that exposure you desire. In fact, we suggest you double your marketing efforts that way you attract your traffic and begin to build your way up to the top. Today, iST Digital wants to go through some key points that will help promote your small online business.

Content Strategy:

If your website is very small and is driving no traffic, you must rethink what is on your site and have a solid content plan. Producing high quality blogs, images, videos, downloads is a must for your growth strategy.

You have got to remember though that you are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, so be realistic at who will be going to your website and focus on that target audience. Having content that is useful and interesting will draw those customers in.

Analysing your competitors is also very critical when it comes to an online business. You need to do your research and find out what similar companies are doing with their websites and strategize the ways you can beat them.

Social Media:

One of the best tools that you can use is of course social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are great sites for you to promote your business. While doing this promotional work doesn’t deal with SEO directly, sharing your posts through all of these social media sites are keys to drive traffic, improve engagement and increase your conversions.

Do not fall in to the trap of sharing the exact same post to all of these paltforms all at once. Start off with Facebook, pretty much everyone uses it and you can see how well that post goes. Once you have posted it on there, post content that is similar and relevant to your Facebook post on another platform like Twitter for instance. To get on any type of radar you have got to be a social media freak and like, follow, and double tap on as many images that are relevant to your business as much as possible. This will help exposing your accounts and get customers attracted to your company.

Link Building:

Although your main focus is on your brand and getting yourself out there, do not forget to dedicate some of your work to establishing some off-page linking, meaning directing users that go on your website to other pages to your website or to websites that you can collaborate with. For instance, registering your site in directories or listings, reaching out to bloggers, influencers and pitch media are great places to start. Getting other websites to have your information on them is great exposure and returning the favour by linking them will help Google like your website more. Google is all about natural link building, so do not go over board and link every work to a website. Small portions go a long way.

So there you have it, we have listed a few tips and tricks to help get your promotional work for your online company started off and get you on the right track to a successful small business. iST Digital are SEO experts and can help your websites growth, traffic and exposure ten fold. So please, do not hesitate to give us a call to help make your business shine on (08) 9443 2221

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