Responsive Web Design Perth


Responsive Web Design Perth

Written by Daniel Maddox

Jul 18, 16
Responsive Web Design Perth

When it comes to web design, it is essential that you have your site responsive to work and be displayed on all devices such as phones, tablets and computers. iST Digital wants to discuss with you the essential elements of having a site responsive and why it is important.

First off, if you are not aware, Responsive web design allows your website to automatically respond  and reformat any device and screen size it is being viewed on. So if you are viewing a page on a computer that has multiple columns of information on a wide screen, it will reduce to a single column when on a mobile. Here at iST Digital, we want to cover all the main reasons why responsive is essential for Web Design Perth!

Multiple Device Types

In this day and age, if you are not viewing a site on a computer, you are most definitely viewing it on a phone or tablet, so it has become essential to have your site responsive. Also, whilst it is crucial to make your site adapt for all devices, it is also essential to make sure that all the same content that is displayed on the computer, is shown on a phone or tablet as well. No customer or client will return to your page if you are missing content compared to their previous visit on a different device.

By ensuring consistency of information throughout all devices and displays, but of course having layouts that suit for each type of device, you are actually showing that you do want to support your customers and do not want them to have any reason to abandon your website.

Improved Rankings

Google recommends you create a responsive design to suit all devices, not only as it is important, but also because you now require it if you want to improve your search engine rankings. Since April 21st of last year, Google has now since been rewarding sites that are built responsive and penalising the one's that aren't.

So it is highly critical that you get a site built to be adaptive, and have your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy organized! To find out more about our web design Perth and what we can offer Click Here

One Site Fits All

It can be sometimes difficult looking after one website, let alone multiple websites and keep them updated and relevant. This is why having a responsive site is preferred over having individual pages for each type of device. You are basically creating more work and a challenge for yourself, which is just simply not necessary when you can build responsive and only need to update one segment once.

The Future

One of the biggest reasons as to why this is so important is because who knows what is going to be developed into the future for screen sizes, and as long as you have a responsive site, this gives you the best chance in being able to be supported on those newer devices and screens in the years to come.

Every website, no matter what type of goals your company have or the audience that it will potentially serve, your business will benefit from a design that works great across all platforms and screen sizes.  If you want to find out more information how iST Digital can make your design of you company’s site responsive as well as improve your Search Engine Optimisation rankings, be sure to click the following link ( We would also love to hear from you, so make sure to get in contact with us today!

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