What Makes A Good Logo?

Graphic Design

What Makes A Good Logo?

Written by Daniel Maddox

May 12, 16
What Makes A Good Logo?

The making of a good logo requires both design and the understanding of what the business is. A good logo is distinctive, appropriate, practical, simple and conveys the intended message. Here at iST Digital - we want to break these characteristics down for you so we can help you make the perfect identity for your business.

There are five main characteristics that you should follow when you are creating the identity of your business:


A logo design that is simple allows for easy recognition and allows the logo to be versatile and memorable. A great logo will feature something unique without it being over the top!


Following the foot steps of the first principle of simplicity, an effective logo design should be memorable and this is achieved by creating something simple, yet appropriate for the business.


What truly makes a good logo is having a design that will be able to age without needing to change. You need to think - Will the logo be effective in 10, 20 to 50 years time?


Having a logo that will be able to work on a variety of mediums and applications is an important element to have in your logo design. The logo needs to be functional, meaning it needs to be able to be scaled to any size and to be able to placed on most formats.


Lastly, no matter what, the logo needs to be appropriate for the business. It needs to make sure it represents the nature and character of your business. If you are a business that deals with kids, you will not want to have a logo that looks to formal.

There is quite a lot to follow into making a good logo. Here at iST Digital, our team of Graphic Designers make sure we understand what you want your identity to truly be so we can create the memorable, timeless, simple and appropriate identity for your business. So if you need a logo created, please be sure to contact iST Digital today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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